
Frequently Asked Questions

What type of investors can I expect to meet on this platform?

Ontropi has a wide range of investors on its platform – Angel Investors, Angel Networks, VC Funds, Institutional Investors, Corporate Development Professionals, & Private Equity Firms, etc. Once you have provided sufficient data about your venture, the system will automatically guide you to the right investors & the corresponding Pitch Sessions. Ontropi subscribers can also explore a large list of VC thorugh the "Discoverer" tool. Visit Click here to see the full list of VCs.

Can you please explain me the full process of raising funds through Ontropi?

It’s a 3-step process: %1. Ensure that your "Pitch Room" is complete & accurate on the Ontropi platform.% 2.Get “Pitch Ready” through critical/analytical assessments by seasoned evaluators/mentors. % 3. Pitch to the matched investors. %The more you practice & get good at the science and art of continuously tweaking and steering your business strategy towards a winning proposition, the better are your chances of raising money quickly.

Typically, how many startups get funded each year?

Our yearly target is to fund at least a 100 startups per year.

What if I fail in any of the steps of this rigorous process?

First of all, there are no failures only learnings. Seriously – if you do not make the cut in any one the steps of Ontropi’s fund raising process, you iterate until you are successful. And, the platform provides you with everything you need to tune your startup to successfully make the cut and move up to the next level. Each of these steps is a highly rigorous exercise – YET – absolutely achievable by anyone in pursuit of a genuinely entrepreneurial goal. So, go right ahead and give it a shot.

My startup is yet to make a profit. Can we still raise money?

Many startups at pre-revenue & "yet-to-make-profit" stage do raise money - so, it is less about current profitability & more about future economic prospects of the venture. Any startup that has envisioned a profitable unit-economic model & is confident about scaling that business up, can successfully make the case for a viable investment. You can work on these aspects to enhance your fund-raising prospects. You can also do a few trial pitches to see what kind of reaction and feedback the potential investors may have.